Professional translations

In the fast-paced world of global commerce, accurate and expert professional translations play a crucial role in a company’s success. At Trans4Europe, we are committed to providing high-quality translation services that enable companies to communicate effectively with their international customers. Here’s a real-life case study illustrating our commitment and dedication to delivering outstanding results.


completed projects


in-house translators




languages offered

Project type

Post-editing of a substantial project comprising around 1 million words.

English to French.

CAT tool used

Industrial sector
Scientific, requiring specialized linguistic expertise.

Post-editing for ThermoFisher


Volume and complexity:

The project was complex due to its substantial volume, tight deadlines and the involvement of multiple stakeholders, including translators and proofreaders. Specific instructions:
The scientific nature of the content required strict adherence to detailed instructions.

Project management

Effective communication:

The project manager (PM) played a crucial role in organizing and communicating the customer’s instructions to the team. Clear communication channels were established between the PM, the customer, the translators and the proofreaders.

Organized workflow:

Given the large number of participants, an organized workflow was essential. Deliveries were staggered to allow the customer to get on simultaneously with desktop publishing (DTP) activities.

Resource management:

Ensuring adequate availability and management of language resources, including translation memories and terminology databases.


Effective communication:

Meticulous quality assurance processes were put in place to meet specific customer instructions and guarantee linguistic accuracy.

Timely delivery:

The staggered deliveries enabled the customer to make seamless progress with DTP without waiting for the entire translation to be completed.

Post-project assistance:

The PM was on hand for the customer after delivery, dealing with queries, modifications and updates.